The Phases of Construction Management

 Construction management falls under the umbrella of project management. It involves overseeing all levels of construction. It is about the processes, skills, and tools that are manoeuvred by Dubai construction companies JAFZA, UAE, Dubai to perform the various aspects of construction work. Its purpose is to provide a uniform manner in which all aspects of a construction project can be managed.

Through these phases the construction team will be involved in overseeing the project from the early stages through to completion. Construction management can be used on a residential or commercial project. Therefore, it's important to understand the characteristics of each phase to determine which method or methods should be used for each project.

The Project Initiation Phase

The first phase of project management, and it’s where everything starts. The purpose of this phase is to identify, plan and authorise projects, which are then implemented in subsequent phases. It begins with a request for proposal (RFP) or an invitation for bid (IFB) from the client or owner of the project. The request outlines all aspects of the project, including what will be done and how much it will cost.

In this phase, the project managers and engineering consultants in JAFZA Dubai, UAE will prepare the PID document. The PID document is a comprehensive document that contains all the required information about the project and its purpose. It also contains information about the stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities, as well as other relevant information regarding the project. The PID document should be prepared in a way that it can be easily accessed by all stakeholders.

Planning Phase

The planning phase is the most important phase of any construction project. At this stage, you will prepare the entire plan for your construction project and then move on to the next phase. Expert residential, retail, factory, steel building and warehouse construction companies JAFZA, Dubai, UAE understand that the construction management planning phase needs to be handled with utmost care.

The basic steps of planning phase are:

       Prepare a detailed scope of work that includes all aspects of your construction project.

       Decide on resources needed to complete the project within the time frame allotted by you or by your client.

       Decide on team members who will be involved in executing different tasks associated with your construction project.

       Decide on a budget for your project based on factors like quantity of materials required and labour cost involved in completing each and every task associated with your construction project.

       Create timelines for different tasks associated with your construction project so that you can maintain control over them while they are being executed by different teams involved in executing tasks associated with your construction project.

Here are some other things that you will need to consider while developing your plan:

  1. Communication plan: It is important to communicate with your team members throughout the project. This way, everyone will be updated with the latest changes and requirements of each phase.
  1. Scope document: This document defines what needs to be done in order for your project to be completed successfully. It includes all possible options available at your disposal and highlights which one is best suited for your client's needs.
  1. WBS (Work breakdown structure): A WBS is an organised list of all the tasks needed for completing a project or sub-project. Each task has its own dependencies, resources and estimated costs associated with it; once these are identified, they can be tracked easily during implementation phases.
  1. Risk Management: Risk Management involves identifying potential risks, analysing their impact on the project, developing strategies to deal with them, implementing them through plans or procedures, monitoring their implementation and control, reviewing any residual risks, and continuously improving risk management processes throughout the life cycle of a project.

Execution Phase

The execution phase is the main part of construction management in which the contractor performs the work according to the contract documents. The contractor will manage all the activities such as planning, organising, directing and controlling of resources for successful project completion.

During this phase, the contractor will perform various tasks such as site supervision, cost control and material procurement. The contractor's role during this phase is very important as he has to complete the project within time and cost constraints with high quality workmanship.

The contractor has to maintain good communication with all parties involved in the project such as architects, engineers and sub-contractors to ensure smooth flow of information and coordination among them.

During this phase, different types of subcontractors will be hired by the top civil, MEP contractors in JAFZA, Dubai, UAE based on their expertise and experience in a particular field like electrical or plumbing works etc. The main contractor has to ensure that all sub-contractors are working according to their contract documents and guidelines so that they can complete their works as per schedule without affecting other trades' work schedules.

The following are some of the activities that take place in this phase:

       Implementing the drawings

The contractor has to implement all the Civil MEP drawings in order to build up a structure based on those drawings. There might be some changes in those drawings, but they should not affect the quality of work done by the contractor.

       Building foundations

The contractor needs to build foundations for every structure that is being built by them. They should make sure that they do not use any material which will cause harm to people or animals later on. They should also make sure that no toxic materials are used while building foundations so that they do not affect people living near them later on.

       Installing electrical wiring, plumbing and other services

The contractor needs to install all these services in order to complete their job successfully. They should make sure that all these services are installed correctly so that they do not cause any harm to people later on because if they break down they will need replacement immediately.

Controlling and Monitoring Phase

This is the phase in which all the activities are carried out based on the design and specifications. The professionals of this phase are responsible for controlling and monitoring the project execution. They must make sure that every activity is done according to plan, so that they can meet the deadlines.

The contracted building and engineering consultants in Jebel Ali Dubai, UAE such as Pravarthi building contractors must be at site every day to oversee the work. They will check whether the builders are doing their job properly according to plans or not. If any changes happen during this phase, they have to inform their client about it immediately.

This phase also includes checking materials used in the construction process, inspecting structures after completion of each stage and much more. Some of the activities performed by construction managers during controlling and monitoring phase:

       Inspecting site conditions before beginning work.

       Checking whether there are any official permissions needed for starting the construction process or not.

       Checking if there is enough space for construction activity on site or not.         

       Making sure that all necessary equipment is available at site before starting work.

       Ensuring that all workers have required training before starting work.

Closing Phase of Construction Management

The closing phase of construction management is the last step in the project. It is the last period where various activities are performed to complete the project. This phase is very important for any project because it deals with the finalisation of all the requirements, payments and documentation. This is a very important phase, because it determines the success or failure of the project. The main objective of this phase is to complete all contractual obligations and ensure that the project is handed over to the client on time and within budget.

It is the final stage of all construction activities and it includes the following:

1. Closing Meeting: The closing meeting is held with all stakeholders to discuss the progress, any problems faced during construction and also to determine whether there are any additional items that need to be completed before getting possession.

2. Final Inspection: A final inspection is conducted by a third-party inspector who ensures that all work is completed as per approved plans and specifications. All deficiencies are recorded in a report which is submitted to the client and contractor. This report is used by both parties for future reference.

3. Record Keeping: The contractors maintain records regarding payments made, materials used etc.. These records are available for future reference if required by either party.


The end goal of construction is to complete the contracted project on time and within budget. To ensure completion of the project successfully, construction managers must know their responsibilities in each phase of the project. They must mentor their team accordingly to complete their assigned tasks on time. You can contact Pravarthi Contractors to hire an experienced team of construction professionals to handle your commercial or residential project. Pravarthi Contractors is a reputed name among customers for construction management, professional and Approved building contractors in JAFZA, Dubai, UAE.


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